Privacy guidelines

We will collect information that is personal to you.

If you visit the Site we collect information automatically regarding the device you are using. In particular, we collect your information about your browser, IP address and time zone as well as some cookies. While you browse the Site we also collect data on the pages you visit, the products that you purchase, the web sites which referred you to them to the Site, and the terms you searched for to access the Site as well as the manner in which you interacting on it. We refer to this automatically-collected information as \”Device Information\”.

We will collect Device Information using the following techniques:

\”Cookies\”, which are tiny data files that you can place on your computer or device typically have an anonymous, unique identifier. For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit

\”Log Files\” are a record of actions that you have performed on the Site. The information includes your IP address, Internet Service Provider (ISP) as well as referring/exiting pages as well as time stamps, and time and date information.

\”Web Beacons,\” \”Tags, \”Web Beacons\”, \”Tags\”, as well as \”Pixels\” are digital data files which record the information on how you use the Site.

We gather your personal information whenever you make an order or make purchases online. It includes your name, address (billing or shipping), payment information (including the credit card number), email address and telephone number. This information is described as \”Order information\”.

This Privacy Policy covers the two aspects of Device Information and Order Information.

How can we make use OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA?

We make use of the Information from the Order Information that we collect generally to fulfill any orders placed via the Site (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping and supplying customers with invoices or order confirmations). These Order Details are also used for:

\”Communicate with us\”

We screen our orders to identify possible fraud, risks and risk.

We may send you information or even advertisements, about our products and services.

Device Information assists us in spot fraud and risk.


When you purchase via the Site and we keep your purchase Information in our database unless and until you ask us to erase this information.

The Change

Updates to this policy can be made for a range of reasons. These include changes in practices and operational and legal factors.